Monday, December 3, 2012

Lots of Love and Thanks!

Hey Everyone!

There has been a lot going on since I last blogged and I probably will not talk about half of it! But first I want to start with the most important thing! Happy 26th Birthday to my brother!

AHH this old fart made 26 on December 1st! I hope you had the best birthday ever & only better ones to come! Love you!

I really wish I had an embarrassing picture of him from when he was a kid, but I don't!

Also on December 1st I had my last Zeta Formal! I couldn't have imagined a better time spent with better people!

But I do want to say how blessed I am to know each every single one of those people in the pictures and so many more that are not in the pictures! My college life would have been so different and very boring with out these people!

Okay so as many of you know if not everyone I am GRADUATING COLLEGE!!! HECK YESSS!!! Graduation is December 15th and I could not be any more excited to graduate and see what the next chapter of my life holds for me! I am so extremely lucky and grateful to be graduating from an excellent University and to have a job right out of college! I am so excited to get started on my CAREER! However, I could not have made it this far with out my family, my friends, and my sorority! So I hope that I get to tell each of you individually Thank you for being with me every step of the way, but if I don't THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Each and everyone of you have changed my life and shaped me to be the person today! Yes, I am giving each of you credit for my crazy antics!!
This was one of the best trips of my life! I wouldn't have wanted to kick of the summer and senior year with anyone but you three and Deanna and Jen! I hope that we take this trip again soon! Love you!

To you three: Olivia, Deanna, and Jennifer! OH GOOD GOSH! Where do I begin! I hope that you live your life everyday like we did in the Bahamas! Yes, even the crawling on the bathroom floor and passing out in the door way! I thank you all for the laughs you gave me that week!

To Jen & Deanna! I do not know where to start! You both have been with me since elementary school! We have walked through so much of life together and everyday I am so thankful that I know no matter what we will always be there for each other! We defintely went through some hard times in high school and college. It was definitely hard sometimes not being with yall but I can't wait to see where life takes us! I know we will somehow all end up back together as old ladies!

I do not know why, but this is one of my FAVORITE pictures of us!!! I can't believe that less than a year ago we where in a car riding the refuge figuring out that we were in the same Zeta family! HA! I am so glad to have you in my life and that we got to go to the Bahamas together! I want to thank you for listening to all my crazy stories & most importantly ENCOURAGING ME! HAHA I wish you the best in the rest of your college years and so much more after that!

Jess!!!! I finally found a picture, but then it wouldn't upload so this will have to do! I know I have said this many many times but I definitely would not have made it through college with out you! Its funny because so many of my friends tell me that I can be such a "mom" at times, but if it was not for you being my "mom" in college starting with freshman year I would not have made it to where I am today and I wouldn't know what it was like to have a friend that you can talk to everyday about the same subject over and over again and yet we act like we have never talked about it before and then we can goes days, weeks, and i think even a couple months with out talking and then pick up with the same conversation like no time has passed at all! You are definitely one of my biggest blessing God has given me! I wish you the absolute best with everything! If I have learned one thing from you (which I have learned many, but the most important one) it would be to ALWAYS be kind and to ALWAYS treat others how you want to be treated! It is so funny because that is one of the first things we were taught when we where kids, but I see you living life like that everyday! You are such an inspiration to me! I am extremely grateful for all the times that you have dropped what ever it was that you were doing to literally come sit on my couch and listen to me ramble about nothing and you never once complained! Love you baby girl!

Oh Sweet Erin! Please do not be mad at me for this picture! I was going to find a cute one of us together, but why would I do that when I could use this sweet little gem! I remember this night like it was yesterday! I had never laughed so hard in my entire life! That was priceless! Absolutely priceless! It definitely set the tone for our friendship! Every time we get together all we do is laugh until our sides hurt! From bid day until forever you will always be that person that can me laugh harder than anyone! You have been such a blessing in my life! Literally the first person I met in our pledge class and still one of my closest friends! I still can't believe that was four years ago... Crazy how time flies!!

To my Zeta family: It is my hope that you keep reeking havoc within the chapter! The only thing I have to say to you all is what my big told me: "Zeta is what you make it!" So live it up and make it the best it could possibly be!


Thank you for everything you have done for me! For the advice given! For the endless problems you helped me through! For endlessly encouraging me! Thank you for always wanting to see me succeed, and pushing me to be the absolute best that I could be! And mostly THANK YOU for never giving up on me! I appreciate everything more than you could ever know!

Mom & Dad, Thank you for putting me through school and always helping me reach my dreams! I hope that everyday I can make you proud! I know that you two are always going to be my biggest supporters! For everything you have selflessly given me, taught me, and walked me through I could not have asked for a better parents!


I am sorry you all did not get a personal shout out! However, that does not mean that I am not extremely and forever thankful for you friendship! I know each and everyone of you have your hands full when it comes to dealing with me and for that you deserve a prize! I love you all and thank you for everything!


So! I'm graduating on December 15th from the best school ever! I'm moving, and starting a job with amazing people! And I have the love and support from so many people! I am so extremely Blessed that God has watched out for me in such a huge way!

Until next time, Much love!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog Bug!

OH NO!!! I think I have caught the blogger's bug! Yes! I admit I am somewhat liking the whole theory behind writing so your friends, family, and complete strangers can know what is currently taking place in your life!!

SOOOOO here I go!

Well you see it is currently 1:45 am on a Wednesday night Thursday morning... And for the past couple of hours I have been deep cleaning my apartment.. You know -- going through all the drawers and cabinets and getting rid of the things that are no longer of use to you for whatever reason... I have also dusted and wiped down every piece of furniture I own! My mother would be so proud of me! I am finally getting organized! YES MOM at 21 and in my final semester of college I am getting myself organized! Better late than never, right?

This is the thing -- I am actually kinda liking LOVING this whole process... I keep thinking about how relaxing the whole cleaning process is! And my favorite part is vacuuming... It is the last thing I do and I just know when I turn off the vacuum and wind up the cord my apartment is going to shine! I love it! It is truly rewarding! And these days I am all about some positive rewards!

Well I hope everyone has a blessed night!

-- Chelsea

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The One Hundred Pound Lesson...

Well, I'm not one to blog or to even express deep feelings in a social network situation. However, per the request of my mother -- a great woman that she is-- she asked that I start a blog... So here I am.

My first blog is not going to be the typically introductory blog... Its going to be about the biggest lesson I have learned in my 21 years of existence...

Today while shopping at a local boutique -- LA Green Boutique which I highly recommend for any female that loves clothes!! -- in Starkville I was trying on clothes and my sweet friend Ashley that works there was complementing me on how great I was looking... We took a quick stop from trying on clothes to look at how much weight I have lost. When I told her I have lost !00 pounds her mouth hit the ground!

This is the thing guys... In the picture above I weighed a lot CLEARLY!!! I've lost a 100 pounds!!

This is me 100 pounds lighter!!! It wasn't until I put two pictures side by side that I had realized what I had done!

I have always been proud of my accomplishments but this is probably my proudest moment!

You see... Here recently I have been in a slump... I have not been working out and my eating habits have been less than healthy.. But TODAY when I saw what an accomplishment I had achieved I can't wait to get back on track!

This just goes to show -- any dream, wish, or goal you go to set for yourself you can achieve it with a little hard work!!! I know I am and if I can then so can you!!

Oh and just to make sure... the 100 pound lesson is that any dream is achievable... Just never give up on trying...
Peace && Love! -- Chelsea